Publix: A Short Story

Words: 589
Pages: 3

"I'll be home in 10 minutes."
"Alright Louis, don't forget to pick up some frozen peas at the store. I'm making salmon tonight."
"Yeah okay."
"Bye love."
"Bye. "
Louis presses the hang up call button icon impatiently. Lately it's been three same old shit. He loves Eleanor, but talking to her makes him feel tense and tired. But it's probably just newlywed stress.
Louis presses the gas and speeds up, turning sharply into the parking lot of Publix. Truthfully he always hated Florida, but Eleanor's family claimed it was the perfect place to raise a family (as opposed to his home town in England of course.)
"It's close to Disney!" they said. God, he hated his in-laws. But he loved his job, taking over for Bubba after Hulk Hogan effectively tarnished his reputation was the best career move he’d ever made. The new discussions about music, mixed in with unique guests he hand-picked himself proved to be quite popular. Tomlinson Talks was the new hit station in Tampa.
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In Publix, he finds the peas quickly and makes the line to Pay, avoiding eye contact with anyone he may know and picks up a pint of Ben and Jerry’s to eat.
He watches the cashier with contempt as she scans his stuff. She has the same dead look in her eyes as Louis. He smiles sympathetically before paying. He feels they have a mutual understanding of misery.
At home, Louis spends a good 5 minutes in the driveway, staring at the identical houses in the identical street before gathering up the courage to face his biggest