Puffins Research Papers

Words: 548
Pages: 3

Puffins are exceptional creatures with lots of features.The have many names such a sea parrot and the clowns of the sea. They look cute but they have incredible powers.When you are done with this paper you will know much about body design, behavior, diet , movement and their enemies


Since puffins are small birds they eat small prey. There food is small fish and crustaceans and mollusks. They also eat sandeels and herring so they have a whole variety of food for them. One fact is that they can hold 10-12 small fish in there mouths that's a lot !


Puffins may be cute and little but these birds have some power! There feathers are colored white and black and they have special feathers that are waterproof . They are small as a pigeon and one surprising thing is that there beak change color. it's true! In the winter the puffin's beak is dull plain and boring grey but in the summer it's bright and colorful red yellow and blue

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Puffins are good swimmers that's right they swim these amazing birds can dive up to 200 feet that's deep! Not only can they swim they and fly also. It my not seen that exciting because most birds can fly but these guys are fast flyers flying up to at least 88km. That's about 56 mph That's fast! But there's always a set back like we said this bird swims that means it's legs are on the back of it's body so it can paddle and that means when the puffin walks he goes slow. But they are way more fast than you probably