Pupils Tree Character Analysis

Words: 504
Pages: 3

The three qualities that describes me from the Pupil Tree are:
1. Compassionate
2. Hopeful
3. Discerning Compassionate, according to the Oxford Dictionary, means feeling or showing sympathy or con-cern for other people. I think that I have this quality, because of my mom. While growing up, I’ve been taught to be compassionate and to help others. I don’t know if I’m good at showing compas-sion, but my mom has always told me, that you need to be nice to other people if you want to be happy. She was raised as a Buddhist, which means that she believes the whole purpose of life is to gain good karma, by being good to others, and doing good deeds. Treat others like you want to be treated, and you will live a life full of joy. That’s why I want to spend a year, after high school, on working and saving money to travel to a poverty-stricken country, and volunteer to work in an orphanage.
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Hopeful of my fu-ture, hopeful of my dreams and wishes, and hopeful of my goals. In my world, everyone ends up happy. I can’t imagine anything else happening to the ones I know. Maybe it’s naive to think that way, but even though I don’t know what I want to do, or what I want to be in the future, I always feel that everything’s going to work out just fine.
Being indecisive is a bad quality, but that also means that I always think about my choices. Be-ing discerning is a good thing, since it protects me from doing something stupid, or making bad choices. But it also means that I take a long time to choose or decide things. It can be anything, from choosing my career to deciding which pair of shoes I want to wear to school. That’s why I still don’t know what kind of career I want to pursue, and I still don’t know which branch I want to choose in High School. But as I said, I’m hopeful that all is going to work out