Qcf Level 3 Unit 1 Research Paper

Words: 700
Pages: 3

In order to establish positive and productive relationships with families, in my classroom, I would initiate strong partnerships and maintain open lines of communication with parents so that they can gain an understanding of the learning environment. To make families feel welcomed and informed I would develop a family welcome packet at the beginning of the year, send out monthly newsletters, allow them to visit anytime, and of course, inform them about myself and the layout of the way I run my classroom. Another strategy would be to ensure that the classroom has family posters or pictures displayed around and a bulletin board with notices and resources for the parents in every family’s home language. I would hold parent-teacher conferences when necessary and mainly reflect on the children’s progress and growth in each domain with available documentation while addressing other concerns as well. In my classroom, …show more content…
I believe forming a bond and assuring that the families can trust me as a childcare provider would promote conversations about what’s going on in a child’s home life. Aside from communicating with the parents themselves, I’d also simply ask the child or look for signs that may provide insight or suggest that they’re dealing with issues at home. Conferences, consistent communication, and even formal home visits would teach me what a child’s home environment is like. This awareness directs my teaching practices because it’d allow me to address what the children may be experiencing at home in various ways. I’d be more sensitive to situations, have a greater bond with the children, better insight, and feel more prepared to teach the children. I’d be able to prepare lessons that are related, read and provide books about it, and do activities that would benefit them or help them