There are four main types of barriers in communication. Any of these barriers can ruin the chances of success in any given project or task that we are trying to achieve here at XYZ Company. I was asked by our Vice President to give some suggestions and guidelines to help you avoid these barriers, which will allow your team to run more productively, with less need to take corrective actions, and decrease frustration within the team.
Let us start with process barrier. There are specific steps needed for a successful communication. The process barrier includes your ability to create a message, presentation, project plan, etc. The next steps are assuring that the message is transmitted to the receiver …show more content…
o Be sure you understand the subject matter o Keep your own emotions, out of the communication o If you do not trust or respect the sender / receiver are you twisting the intended meaning?
• Listening skills o Keep an open mind o Don’t start formulating your response while the other person is speaking o Take a moment to determine if you believe you understand their meaning o Ask questions to clarify o Do NOT attempt to multitask while listening
• Method of presentation o People have a preferred way of receiving information.
Determine the method that works best for your audience and use the best one for the situation
If your boss prefers presentations, with Questions and answers use it
Some of your subordinates might be fine with memos, others meetings, or face to face Next, we will address physical barriers. These can be distance, noise factors, inability to see properly due to use of poor equipment, lighting. A meeting room that is very warm or cold is another example.
• Whenever you communication over long distances check equipment at both ends prior to the start of the communication. o Throughout the meeting be cognizant of a lack of response from the other end – check to see if they can hear OK o Make sure they have copies of the materials in front of them o Be sure to actively prompt participation, ask for confirmation of understanding
• When possible close the physical gap.