Diploma in Marketing Communications (Advertising) (QCF)
This course consist of 29 units where the overall grade for the quaification is a “pass”
To pass a unit the learner must: * achieve all the specified learning outcomes * satisfy all the assessment criteria by providing sufficient and valid evidence for each criterion 1. show that the evidence is their own.
The qualification is designed to be assessed: 2. in the workplace or 3. in conditions resembling the workplace, as specified in the assessment requirements/strategy for the sector, or * as part of a training programme.
Assessment strategy/assessment requirements documents for competence based units
The assessment strategy and assessment requirements documents for the competency units in this qualification have been included in Annexe E. The applicable annexe will be stated in the assessment section of the unit. These have been developed by the named SSC/B in partnership with employers, training givers, awarding organisations and the regulatory authorities. They include details on:
criteria for defining realistic working environments
roles and occupational competence of assessors, expert witnesses, internal verifiers and standards verifiers
quality control of assessment
evidence requirements.
Evidence of competence may come from:
current practice where evidence is generated from a current job role
a programme of development where evidence comes from assessment opportunities built into a learning/training programme whether at or away from the workplace
the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) where a learner can demonstrate that they can meet the assessment criteria within a unit through knowledge, understanding or skills they already possess without undertaking a course of learning. They must submit sufficient, reliable and valid evidence for internal and standards verification purposes. RPL is acceptable for accrediting a unit, several units or a whole qualification
a combination of these.
1. Introduction
2. Assessment principles
2.1 Expert Witness
2.2 Simulation
2.3 Supplementary evidence 2.4 Recognition of prior learning
3. Quality Assurance 3.1 External Monitoring and Risk Assessment
4. Annexes
4.1 Realistic work environment and simulation criteria
4.2 Fashion & textiles supplementary information
4.3 ‘Additional requirements for competence units in the QCF’ document (produced in 2009) 4.4 SQA Assessor and Verifier competence (May 2011) BA034938 – Pre-publication draft – Edexcel BTEC Level 4 Diploma in Marketing Communications (Advertising) (QCF)
– Issue 1 – March 2013 © Pearson Education Limited 2013
1. Introduction
Skillset is the Sector Skills Council (SSC) for Creative Media which comprises TV, film, radio, interactive media, animation, computer games, facilities, photo imaging, publishing, advertising and fashion and textiles.
Our aim is to support the productivity of our industries to ensure that they remain globally competitive. We do this by influencing and leading; developing skills, training and education policy; and through opening up the industries to the UK's pool of diverse talent. Skillset interacts with the sector through various employers, skills agencies, providers and Awarding Organisations/Bodies (AOs/ABs). These stakeholders work in partnership to develop National Occupational Standards (NOS), qualifications and supporting documents such as assessment principles and guidance.
This document sets out principles for the assessment of vocational qualifications within
Creative Media across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and reflects the greater flexibilities which are now possible within the appropriate credit framework. The principles have been developed in partnership with AOs/ABs through the AO Forum
(AOF). The