Quantico is a newly premiered television show which depicts a diverse and multi-cultural group of FBI agent recruits. From my experiences, the FBI isn't as hip or as multi-cultural …show more content…
Hispanics account for 6.8 percent (Horwitz, para. 3, 2015). In my experiences, there have been many efforts to recruit and retain minorities. We seem to do much better in the support service hiring where there tends to be a higher percentage representation of the existing demographics. On the other hand, we seem to struggle with hiring special agent recruits. The organization has remained stagnant in its ability to increase minority hires in that area. There are some indicators that it has even dropped in the last few years. The average age for an FBI special agent hire is around 29 years old, taking into account that some job experience is preferred. My sense tells me that the really good talent gets picked up after college by high paying corporations. By the time you get to the recruitment averages for age, it is much harder to find quality applicants because they are not opting for a future in the government. Another hiring focus has relied more so on finding recruits out of silicon valley to satisfy the need for cyber expertise rather than concentrating in other