Elizabeth almost died of smallpox leaving her with scars on her face. One of her first roles as being Queen she established one of the first Protestant Churches. Queen Elizabeth was never married so she was famous for her virginity however she did have many relationships. Queen
Elizabeth was into fashion and her favorite colors were white and black. She wanted her courtiers to dress well however she didn’t want anyone to dress better than her. Sometimes
Queen Elizabeth would disguise herself as an regular citizen to rome around freely. In her era baths were considered a luxury but were not done everyday. Queen Elizabeth had lots of hobbies which included listening to music , playing instruments, and dancing, She loved poetry.
One of her famous poems was
“No crooked leg, no bleared eye,
No part deformed out of kind,
Nor yet so ugly half can be
As is the inward,
suspicious mind.
Your loving mistress,”
One of her enemies was her cousin Mary Queen of Scots who she had executed in 1587