That is what the above passage is describing, the two girls laying next to each other in bed. When close reading is applied to the above lines I sense strong lesbian undertones “cheek to cheek and breast to breast”, but nevertheless at the end the maidens conform to the rules of heterosexuality by entering marriage between a man and a woman, by which overcoming the discretion which Laura committed when indulging in the Goblin men’s forbidden fruit. In my opinion the fruit refers to the illicit desire to experiment with one’s sexuality, and Laura warns her children at the end, and cautions them that such act only leads to damnation. I see the Goblin world as queer because desiring the fruit the Goblin’s offer leads to queer behavior and a rebellion against one’s gender at the same time. I believe that the fruit may stand for something else than fruit, possibly forbidden sex a maiden should not part take in. Lizzie caution’s her sister Laura and reminds her that Jeanne, their friend perished because she also tried the forbidden fruit. Maybe these forbidden fruits are irresistible because their female temptations in a world where heterosexuality should prevail is so wrong, but nevertheless tempting. Although I reference the fact that the passage I chose references lesbian inclinations, I would not state that it is Laura’s and Lizzie’s