Some countries are unfortunate to have such small freedoms unavailable to them. In places like the Middle East, women’s rights can almost be completely taken away. Freedoms as simple as wearing shorts in the summer time to choosing who they will marry can be things they don’t get to decide. As a woman, I cannot imagine being deprived of such seemingly reasonable rights. Though these are just a small example of the many freedoms that can be taken away in other countries, it still reminds me how lucky I am to live country that gives me so many of these freedoms. And this is all thanks to liberty. As a creative person, liberty is especially important to me. To be able to fully express myself, I must have the room to be able to think outside of the box. Liberty has allowed me to grow as a unique individual, and I can’t imagine my life being any other way. As Robert Green Ingersoll has said, “What light is to the eyes – what air is to the lungs – what love is to the heart, liberty is to the soul of man.” I think this is a beautiful explanation of liberty. Liberty to me is every dream and goal I have ever had. It is both the simple things I get to enjoy in life, and the big things that shape what my life will become. Without liberty, and the freedom to choose what I want and who I want to be, I would not be the same person I am today. Liberty to me is being freed from seeing only in black and white. With all of the colors, I can be so much more. Throughout most of history