Questions On Polynomials

Submitted By thatkid310
Words: 450
Pages: 2

Dominguez High School
Algebra II
2nd Quarter
Week 1- Week 5
Oct 30 – Nov. 30
|Week 1: Oct 30 – Nov 2 |Week 2: Nov 5 – Nov 9 |Week 3: Nov 12- Nov 16 |Week 4: Nov 19 – Nov 21 |Week 5: Nov 26 – Nov 30 |
| Lesson 6.2 Multiplying Polynomial |Lesson 6.3 Dividing Polynomial |Lesson 6.4 Factoring Polynomial |Lesson 5.5 Complex Numbers |Lesson 8.3 Rational Expression/Equations |
|CA Std. 3.0 |CA Std. 3.0 |CA Std. 4.0 |CA Std. 5.0/6.0 |CA Std. 7.0 |
|Learning Objectives (SWBAT) |Learning Objectives (SWBAT) |Learning Objectives (SWBAT) |Learning Objectives (SWBAT) |Learning Objectives (SWBAT) |
|Solve equations of polynomials by |Solve equations of polynomials by long |Factor polynomials representing the |Demonstrate knowledge of how real and |1) Add/subtract |
|multiplication |division, synthetic division, and |difference of squares, perfect square |complex numbers are related both |Multiply//divide, reduce and evaluate |
| |synthetic substitution |trinomials, and the sum/difference of two |arithmetically and graphically. In |rational expressions w/ monomial and |
| | |cubes |particular, they can plot complex nos. as |polynomial denominators. |
| | | |points in the plane. |2)Simplify complicated rational expressions|
| | | | |including those w/ negative exponents in |
| | | | |the denominator. |
|Do Now: |Do Now: |Do Now: |Do Now: |Do Now: |
|(TE p. 414) |(TE p. 414) |(TE p. 430) |Review # 14 – 17 from |Review # 24 – 30 from |
| | | |Quiz #2 |Quiz #3 |
|Vocabulary : |Vocabulary : |Vocabulary : |Vocabulary : imaginary unit, imaginary no., |Vocabulary : complex fraction, least common|
|Coefficient, like terms, root of an |Long division |Perfect square, square root, perfect cube,|complex no., real part, imaginary part, |multiple, least common denominator |
|equation, x-intercept, maximum of a |Synthetic division |cube root |complex conjugate | |
|function | |