1. Search for security
2. $33 billion
3. Due to excess printing of paper money. Almost overnight the middle class pensions, savings, and insurance policies became worthless – most fell into poverty trying to buy basic necessities
4. Germany unable to pay – led to French occupation of the Ruhr Valley – France would collect $ from the mines and factories
5. Couldn’t deal with debt – looking for a radical solution
6. International trade suffered and Great Britain and France had a hard time repaying loans to U.S.
7. Policy of fulfillment, currency reform, Dawes Plan
8. Economic rebuilding, stability – time of prosperity, debt, reparation
9. Given dominion status – full independence after WWII
10. Reduced reparations, U.S. gave 200 million for German recovery. Due to heavy investments – era of prosperity
11. Military alliances, 4 Powers Pact, Locarno Agreement, Kellogg-Briand Pact
12. Problems in domestic economies, international financial crisis, crash of American stock market
14. Banks collapsed, trade slowed, production cut, unemployment grew, purchasing decreased
15. Capitalism would destroy itself thru overproduction
16. Due to banking crisis – banks weaken, trade slowed, production cut, purchasing decreased, unemployment grew. Powerlessness of gov’t – cut expenditures, raise tariffs, end free trade. Embrace Keynesian economics. Rise of right-wing totalitarian gov’t
17. Working class suffered – fearful of political ideas
18. Condemned view depression should be left to work themselves out – argued that unemployment cause from decline in demands not overproduction. Increase gov’t spending in public works to get the economy going
19. Created popular front gov’t – looking for a radical solution
21. Workers can use collective bargaining, reduced the workweek, public works program, fully paid vacations
22. Rise of dictatorial gov’t
23. Peasants wanting land reform, workers wanting reform, Franco coup ‘d’etat
26. Wanted to try out new weapons
27. Little or no tradition of liberalism and parliamentary form, rural and agrarian society
28. Czechoslovakia
29. No history of democracy, hit with great depression
31. Extreme nationalization, glorify state, militarism
33. Giacomo Matteotti was a critic of Mussolini
34. Reduced unemployment, internal improvements, made peace with the papacy, made the train run on time
35. Major industries were organized into syndicates where labor and management were both represented. Disputes were debated and then submitted to gov’t for decision
36. Battle of wheat, began armament program, create planned economy, developed corporatism
37. Vatican became independent, Made Catholicism official religion of Italy, the Pope recognized the Italian state, and the Pope encouraged Italians to support the Fascists
38. Mussolini agreed to Vatican city
39. Goes beyond dictatorship, total control – active commitment of citizens to the state, mass propaganda techniques, led by single leader and single party, fascist promised to fix depression
40. Left Bolsheviks wanted to end NEP, force industrialization, harsh toward the peasants, and spread revolution worldwide. Right Bolsheviks opposed ending the NEP and wanted to focus on stabilizing USSR
42. Arrested and tortured until confessed, most were executed the rest were sent to Siberian labor camps
43. Emphasis on heavy industry (steel, electric, machinery), Gosplan (state planning commission) decided building projects, wages, prices, production, rapid collectivization of agriculture
45. Industrializing, building on own, mass production
46. To remove anyone with political power. Military leader and old Bolsheviks. 6 million killed
47. Hitler imprisoned- turning point for him to change tactics
48. Linked German nationalism, anti-Semitism, anti-communism with a Social Darwinism and Aryans are the master race who deserve living space, Slavs should be slave labor force of Aryans
49. Jews and communists