Date: October 26, 2012
To: John Hancock Investments *
From: Alyssa Garcia, Head of Future Labs Inc. [Reference Initials AG] *
Subject: Investment Opportunity in Recycling Business * * * Two million tons of plastic waste goes into our landfills each year and we consume 22% of the world’s total output of petroleum annually. Future Labs was founded in Oklahoma with the intent to reduce outer petroleum consumption, alleviate the tons of waste in landfills, and accelerate the process. What we do is melt down plastics and use its polymers to create petroleum. * * In today’s economy, we understand it is hard to find a stable niche for investment. Lately we have seen a lot of start-up businesses failing within the first year and going bankrupt. Currently, many businesses lack innovation and vision to lead a market industry; and that’s risky business. * * I can assure you that Future Labs is a smart investment. We are the solution to the economic crisis in America- we can reduce costs of oil and consumption from outside sources by using our own plastic waste. There are two hot topics in the U.S that have been developing concern for six years: Sustainability/ eco trend and the oil costs/consumption. We would like to extend to you the opportunity to invest our business project. * * Future Labs focuses on both issues, ensuring positive results for the public and the potential to acquire the