Race And Ethnicity

Words: 1442
Pages: 6

The basic assumption is that the study of racial and ethnic relations should focus primarily upon the patterns of differential power and inter group conflict in a society.
Emphasis on power and conflict in the analysis of majority and minority relations has always existed, even in a subtle manner. For many years, the conventional wisdom among social scientists relative to the problems of race and ethnicity has been dominated by approaches that have ignored or underestimated the importance of the variables of conflict and power. Persons within the dominant race often portray authority and an air of superiority as they practice racism thereby, leaving people of other ethnic groups to feel less worthy of a place in society. Because of racism, culture can become a negative aspect of life. The factors that help to create positive lifestyles are not pervasive among some ethnic groups. Hence, access to quality education and healthcare is often discussed. As these conditions continue,
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This is due to the beliefs of the dominant groups, and there is an indication that race and ethnicity take on great social significance because people’s actions in regard to these terms drastically affect other people’s lives (Omi and Winant, 1994, p.158). The opportunities that can uplift the less fortunate groups, the support they receive and even how long they live are aspects of life to be included. Therefore, education, which helps in achieving goals among the less dominant ethnic groups is a factor that is often discussed because this resource is often lacking, and wherever it is available, the quality is poor. The perpetrators of racism consistently give the impression, or even believe that people of some ethnic groups do not seek upward mobility. Hence, the academic, vocational and professional achievements are minimized or become nonexistent.