Race-Personal Narrative

Words: 591
Pages: 3

The pouring rain drummed down at our arrival to the race course. As we stood under the tent shivering, we looked out upon the starting line, watching the skies hoping for some slight change in the weather. Showing no signs of stopping, the rain pounded the tops of tents, umbrellas, and hoods. Everyone at Shelby Farms that day was soaked, frigid, and anxious. Despite the weather, the race would go on. And regardless of the conditions, I was going to run with everything I had.
Nobody took of their warmups. We stood inside the girls’ tent for a while, hoping and praying the rain would cease and the numbing cold would subside. The biting winds continued to whip at the sides of the fully covered tent, hoping to catch one of us by the leg and send shivers through our bodies. The time came to run our warmup, and still nobody removed their outer layers of clothing in attempt to keep warm in the polar weather.
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Every one of us removed our rain saturated shoes, only to replace them with our soon to be soaked spikes. I approached the starting line with a sense of doubt, asking myself what on earth I was doing out there. By the end of our dynamic stretching, I had the answer to my question. We were there to win, and I had every intention of doing just that. We huddled up close to one another, reassuring each other and ourselves, attempting to gather up the slightest bit of heat. The tension on the starting line was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Hair in my face, rain blurring my vision, and extreme cold numbing my body, I serenely awaited the firing of the starting