Racial Discrimination In America

Words: 1876
Pages: 8

How should one feel about racial discrimination and segregation? These issues are something that African Americans have had to deal with constantly in society. Racial discrimination, along with segregation, is present in education, employment, transportation and neighborhoods and has been limiting African Americans. Discrimination has caused many conflicts between the whites and the blacks throughout its history due to racism. Segregation and discrimination are things that should be discussed and in this paper, it will talk about how they affect education, poverty and African Americans lives all together.
Racial segregation is treating people unfairly because of their race or the color of their skin and it has created American laws that gave
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This made it more difficult for blacks to learn and succeed in school. Segregation existed mainly in the south and north cities way before the
Civil War. Racial discrimination is the cause for segregation of blacks and whites and many
African Americans find it unfair that whites are treated better than they are. African Americans of Cleveland lived mostly on the eastside because of whites moving outward toward suburban areas during the 20th century.
Schools that were public were segregated and hotels, movies, and restaurants allowed blacks but they did not get the same luxuries of what the whites had. This caused violence and
IMPACT OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION AND SEGREGATION protest of blacks towards an end to segregation and discrimination. The Jim Crow law was to be against black laws and it did not allow them to become equal to whites at all. African Americans could not drink from the same water fountains, use the same restroom nor eat together.
Segregation and discrimination was abolished due to the civil rights act that was created during
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They also lived in the ghetto and dangerous high crime rate neighborhoods in which were avoided by whites. Since the civil rights act did not, actually end segregation in education for good, African Americans of Cleveland had a protest to end de facto segregation in public schools. Even though their goal was to end segregation, they did not achieve their goal of having schools become integrated worldwide. This did not stop black Clevelanders because they still protest and gave up a fight to make things equal and right between themselves and whites. After the protest, it gave a rise of black political power to African Americans in Cleveland.
The impact of discrimination and segregation on education is something that blacks have been trying to fight for years. Even with some success, segregation still exists in education and blacks and whites are not treated equally. African American students do not get the same privileges or respect as the white students get. According to Moore (2002),” There are inferior
IMPACT OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION AND SEGREGATION teachers, teacher segregation, a lack of remedial teachers, low teacher expectations, few blacks