The juvenile justice system in America is extremely biased when it comes to people of color. This causes a huge imbalance in who gets punished as well as greater repercussions for smaller crimes: just like in South Africa. The clearest example of this can be seen when there are no previous criminal records. When teens have not had any past criminal offenses, blacks are six times more likely to receive a prison sentence (Price 6.1). The likelihood of arrest for colored teens increases in accordance with different crimes, however as a generalization this is still unacceptable. Even in regards to punishments, teens of color are subjected to an average of eighty-seven more days in prison that whites when incarcerated for violent crime (Price 6.4). That is nearly three months of extra jail time for nothing but the color of their skin. With all of these injustices in America’s youth justice system, it is clear that South Africa is not the only country suffering from racist legal