Some scholars have been argued to write argued to write very inflammatory remarks regarding racism and get away with it due to his personal connection with the political class. All articles or academic works should be subjected to scientific review and ethical consideration to make sure that all the assertions written are factual and credible. The fact that some scientific community embrace the ideas in false article is a testimony to the fact that racism in Latin America is a living reality. There is very minimal public criticism that rejects any written literature on grounds of racism. The public should condemn any writings …show more content…
Some scientists feel more content with the old perception that pre-Hispanic and ‘uncivilized’ Indians are very inferior compared to other races in the region. The scientist doesn't focus on the fact that these inferior communities can mound the society with fresh ideas. The academic writings have mostly shown how the concept of national identity, by brushing of Indians as uncivilized and people who are fierce. They focus their ideas on old culture practices that these communities possessed. Racism in Latin America can be said to co-exist because of the hatred that people have towards the indigenous