Radical Feminists are a group of feminists who base their beliefs around the extremely patriarchally run justice system, which they believe is a system that men benefit from the oppression of women (Popham, Lecture 5, 2015). In regards to prostitution, this group of feminists believe that prostitutes are women who have been abridged to a piece of merchandise. They strongly believe that women who are prostitutes do not prostitute because they want to, but rather they do so because of other pressuring forces (lack of education, addiction, abuse), which cause them to reduce themselves to prostituting. They believe that such services exploit women, at the hands of men. Further relating to radical feminism, the Marxist feminist agrees with the radicals and discusses that the criminalization and oppression towards women are due to patriarchy and capitalism in our society (Popham, Lecture 5, 2015). Marxist feminists argue that women are individuals in society who experience different kinds of oppression and obstacles, that they are mistreated as a whole by the criminal justice system (Popham, Lecture 5,