An individual sentenced to jail or prison have numbers of resources to help them prepare for their release into the public, but one of the most successful is finding faith. It being whichever faith they choose to follow and devote oneself too can be extremely helpful in their personal rehabilitation. Possibly turning their life around and setting them on a path to success once released into the public. “In California, there is one chaplain for every 2,000 inmates, and in some Texas prisons the ratio is one to 2,500. Colorado and Virginia have completely cut their state prison chaplain systems. It should be noted that the American Correctional Chaplains Association calls for one chaplain per 500 inmates.” (Hamm, 2008). A sad reality is that not many correctional facilities have the resources to fund for the appropriate number of chaplains. Relating back to having strong management, identifying a problem within the management is vital. Having an employee that is causing a negative effect inside a facility is just as detrimental of having some other situation causing