People are becoming “machines” and that’s the last thing we need is a bunch of clones that look, talk, act like us and try to impersonate us. I relate this idea of technological take-over to artificial engineering being practiced in labs today. Such things like artificial hearts pumping blood for you, so who needs a heart when someone can make one for you? Another would be meat, genetically altered meat is another android living these days. If you can make something that is not meat taste and look like meat, why should we kill animals? And lastly the most commonly used android that we almost always have to rely on is the computer. It is the connection to everything and everyone in the world replacing other things like mail, phones, paper, TV, companionship and if you need entertainment oh yeah it does that too! It holds important information, in the wrong hands someone can use it to destroy, rob, commit conspiracy and so on. This techno culture we live in can lead to an “android lifestyle” where everyone has no emotion and can’t think for them selves. Computers eventually take over and do things for them like putting your brain into auto pilot. Can a computer develop love? Hate? Passion? No, but it can mimic it and show you the appearance of it but without a soul where is the life? Life can be defined as a breathing, loving, hating, caring, passionate being or in lamer terms a human. When computers start mimicking