Raising Minimum Wage

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Pages: 3

Some, however, think that the minimum wage should not be increased. The phenomenon that is ‘raising the minimum wage’ is relatively new and often times people and cities are uneducated and are unaware of the full effects of raising the minimum wage. “The fight for 15 dollars is a relatively new phenomenon” (Saltsman, 2017, p. 2). Because this is a new problem for America, it often leads people to believe it is in everyone's best interest to raise it, however it could lead to extreme consequences for businesses and the economy. Our government needs to take steps to educate America about the full pros and cons on raising the minimum wage, “Trump administration should take steps to educate cities on raising minimum wage mandates and consequences” …show more content…
“As soon as wages were raised in LA, a restaurant fired 500 people” (Sherk, 2017, p. 2). Dangerous amounts of risk is involved when raising the minimum wage. If minimum wage is raised workers become not worth it to their companies, and often lead to businesses mass firing workers. “Those who got more pay got fewer hours” (Ehrenfreund, 2017, p. 2). When wages are raised managers and bosses must adjust by giving workers less hours, consequently giving the workers the same amount of overall income for a higher …show more content…
The problem occurs because fair is a subjective term. Often times people feel they are not getting paid enough while business owners feel they are getting paid too much. It is basically greed. “3 years ago 200 fast food workers in NY walked off the job because of wages” (Gass, 2015, p. 1). Raising minimum wage will give people on the lower class more opportunity but some businesses simply can not afford it. “There are lots of things to consider when minimum wage goes up” (Scheiber, 2017, p. 3). This is no easy issue with no easy fix. The economics behind it are extremely complicated and should only be adjusted with caution. When laws are passed to raise wages, businesses raise prices on their products; making the wage raise worthless. There are many arguments debating whether raising the minimum wage is ever a viable option at all. “Minimum wage increases in the past have created disastrous short term consequences for businesses” (Post, 2016, p.