3. I can focus on improving on those sports that i am bad at, like ping-pong or running. Ralph Waldo said: "Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow". Through one's life, one will learn things that he may or may not like. People should try to educate themselves, even if they already have a job, or they are already very smart. My father said once: "If you don't want to study, you will never study; if you don't want to learn you will never learn". And that is right, if people don't want to learn or practice new things, they will never do it, but that is how the people get educated. I like to talk to people that know about everything, so i can discuss with them about many topics. I consider myself as a very active person, and i like to try new things. People in the past, such as Leonardo Da Vinci, was mastered in many things; i am sure that he would be agree with this topic. He was a painter, inventor, philosopher, architect, sculptor, and many other things. He is the perfect example of what i am talking about. That is why he was good at many things, because he tried many things, and then he practiced the things he liked the