Raw Dog Food Research Paper

Words: 2124
Pages: 9

Biologically appropriate raw food (BARF) canine diets were first introduced in the early 1990’s. BARF diets advocated for a more evolutionarily based diet of raw meat and vegetables, instead of the dry, processed food a majority of pets receive. Although the movement failed to gain a large percentage of the pet food market initially, the 2007 melamine recall increased the number of pet owners looking for alternatives to kibble diets. Now, commercially available raw food makes up about 1% of the pet food market. This number, however, doesn’t account for owners who are preparing a BARF diet on their own. It is estimated up to 2-3% of owners may be feeding a raw diet. This is problematic, as there are many concerns about the safety of BARF diets …show more content…
Dogs used for work or sport, such as sled dogs and greyhounds, have been eating raw diets for many years. Ian Billinghurst, an Australian veterinarian, popularized the idea in 1993 with his book Give Your Dog a Bone, introducing raw diets into the main stream pet industry (Lee, 2012). Since 1993, many owners have switched to BARF diets containing muscle and organ meat, bones, eggs, vegetables, fruit, and dairy, which tout benefits such as healthier skin and coats, cleaner teeth, higher energy levels, less digestive upset, and small firm stools (Lee, …show more content…
Pets with a compromised immune system, kidney or liver issues, and puppies are not suited to raw diets, as they can be harmful to the pet (Lee, 2012). Pets with compromised immune systems may be unable to respond to an opportunistic pathogen. Raw diets contain a fair share of meat, which is high in protein. While some owners may see this as a benefit, dogs with impaired kidney or liver function will not be able to process the protein after it is degraded into urea. Puppies, especially large breed dogs, are very sensitive to calcium and energy levels in the food. Growing to quickly or having a calcium deficiency can cause bone abnormalities and problem such as hip dysplasia when the dog