Raymond Gregory Analysis

Words: 1447
Pages: 6

As Raymond Gregory stated in Women and Workplace Discrimination, why does “society allow women to only make $0.77 to a man’s dollar, depriving women of approximately $100,000 per year?” Changing the wage gap a woman receives from $0.77 to a full dollar would be a progressive start in improving equality in the workplace. Not only are women paid much less than men, but also many women are scrutinized for being a woman in the workplace and are not offered the same opportunities and respect as a man does in the same job. The wage gap occurs because of the outdated stereotypes about women not being equal to men in the workplace. These stereotypes were declared since the 1700s and contribute to women receiving lower pay for the same work with “lesser …show more content…
Why do men think women cannot reach the goal of the job or why do they think that women cannot do the same work as them? Women are constantly bantered at for not being able to succeed at the level a man can but many women have become very successful, proving that women are just as powerful as men. Most men are still trapped in that mentality of 100 years ago where women truly had no rights-not the right to vote or work. As Raymond Gregory stated, they could just vote 90 years ago and most men even disagreed with that because they “thought that women were incompetent to make decisions and should not have a say in government matters.” Before that, women had absolutely no jobs or equal rights, women were just looked as useless. Even if a woman has the same education as a man or even better, they still receive the pay cut. Even when women get the same education or better, they still receive the inequality. Women today are proving that they are equal to men everyday and as the National Women’s Law Center stated, “women represent 17% of CEOs, 26% of keep management personnel, 27% of executives, and 39% are managers.” By seeing how women are becoming executives and managers shows the road of improvement for gender equality in the workplace. Changing negative perceptions of gender …show more content…
As the Workplace Gender Equality Agency stated, “men and women are equal in many things except in the workplace because men believe that women are not equal enough to them to be making the same wage.” As seen in the charts of the United States Department of Labor, in 2013, women who worked full time in wage and salary jobs had usually earned a weekly earning of $706, which represented 82 percent of men’s weekly earning which was $860. Women need equal pay because women with families can not afford to be paid less than $100,000 a year because the worker is a woman. Men in the business world need to realize that the society now is not the 1950s and they need to give women more credit for what they do and treat them fairly. Many women have children and needing money to pay for all of her children’s living and eating expenses are necessary so by not receiving a equal pay cut, businesses are potentially putting a mother’s child in danger of not getting a meal or having a roof over their head. Women not only want equal wages, but needs them because of the high demand for providing for families and many mothers are single mothers who provide for a child or children alone and having a steady income helps them