This caused poor development in many areas, especially in Jimmy’s cognitive functioning. This case study is the perfect example demonstrating the effect of lack of emotional nurturing on children’s learning capability. The last paper written by Raaska, Elovainio, Sinkkonen, Matomäki, Mäkipää and Lapinleimu named “Internationally adopted children in Finland: parental evaluations of symptoms of reactive attachment disorder and learning difficulties – FINADO study (2012).” Authors set up the experiment to learn the correlation between Reactive Attachment Disorder and learning capabilities of internationally adopted Finnish children. In the introduction, authors briefly introduce the definition of Reactive Attachment Disorder and previous studies about it. In addition, authors disclaim that other factors might also affect the association between RAD and learning difficulties such as children’s physical disability and age (van Ijzendoorn et al., 2005). This research is part of the Finnish Adoption study, so participants (634 boys and 803 girls) are selected from internationally adopted children in Finland since 1985 (Raaska et all,