P. 74 #4 – Helen Keller, one of my favorite writer, showed her distinct learning process in the article entitled “The Day Language Came into My life”. As a child who is suffering blind and deaf, learning a language without listening and speaking seems extremely difficult. Helen’s world was full of darkness and anxious. Until the day, Halen Keller’s teacher, Anne Mansfileld Sullivan came into her life, she learned to communicate and think, and she stepped into a world where “everything has a name, and each name gave birth to a new though.” The first word Keller leaned is “doll”. Miss Sullivan slowly spelled into Keller’s hand the word, like a finger player, then Keller was interested in and tried to imitate the action. With the first word she learn, Keller was fulfills with confidence and pride and started to learn many words. However, learning language is not simple as knowing some words. It’s a long and complicated process to sense the meaning and