Health seems to be a big topic that my class is interested in, most students don’t know the main factors in staying healthy. My classmates decision on choosing health as one of the topics they are interested in actually surprises me because my generation and upcoming generations are known to ignore conversation/papers on health. Health is relevant to my classmates because most of them are getting concerned not only for themselves but for their family members health. My Speech purpose is to inform my class on the biggest health issue in the world right now, cancer. Cancer is the deadliest and is really just known to being the silent killer. The purpose to inform the student is to basically give them the inside on cancer because most students are close to someone who is diagnosed or know someone who is. In my research I found that in California alone 165,000 people have cancer. In my speech I want to let them know the different types of cancer and the many different ways that people try to cure cancer. All the students graduated High School which means they are mature, this topic is a very serious topic for them and I know this will be a big interest for them. My classmates are not familiar with the main reason why cancer is the way it is, students again don’t know the basic information, in my speech I will inform the students on how it started and how it spread so fast. In the analysis paper the students were also interested in sports, many students