Rebecca Personal Statement Sample

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Pages: 3

Personal Statement - Rebecca
Coming from a family of health professionals, I have always admired the compassion, strength and resilience required in the job. I have laughed and cried at stories of patients and staff. And I realised from a young age that this is the work environment I wanted to be in and the career path I wanted to follow.
I am a caring individual and this has been reflected throughout my school career. As part of the senior school, I mentor, on both an emotional and academic level, several younger pupils. I am also a voluntary classroom assistant in a second year class that has challenging social and emotional behaviour. I am a 'paired reader', working on a one-to-one basis with a first year to help improve their literacy. I am an S6 ‘Buddy’, which has placed me in a position of trust, making sure that new pupils to the school enjoy their high school experience. Because of my interest in the charity, I was solely responsible for the organisation of a MacMillan Coffee Morning, leading a team of other pupils, which raised over £300. In addition to this, I am a senior prefect and relish the role of responsibility this gives me. I enjoy assisting in any event within my school community, including fayres, parents' evenings and many others.
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Within this role, I work closely with the staff and patients, experiencing the reality of both medical and custodial personised care for people with physical disabilities and long-term conditions. I am currently also arranging a placement at Dudhope House, a mental health unit joined with the NHS. I hope that this will give me further experience within the nursing sector. In addition to this, I attended a one week work experience placement at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee. I enjoyed the experience of observing nurses interact with the patients, administering the best care possible. I recognised the high standards required to be an effective member of the nursing