Reconstruction Era of the United States and United States Essay

Submitted By chronomancerwe
Words: 1357
Pages: 6

Assassination of President Lincoln
John Wilkes Booth, who was a very famous actor and Southern sympathizer, assassinated Lincoln in a planned conspiracy
April 14, 1865 Lincoln was shot. This was the fourth anniversary of the fall of Fort Sumter
Ford’s Theater, Washington DC. Lincoln was moved to a house across the street to be treated.
John Wilkes Booth and a band of conspirators believed that if Lincoln was assassinated, the Union would be thrown into such turmoil, causing the South to have independence.
Booth went into the President’s box seat at the theater and shot him in the head with a derringer.

Chapter 18: Section 1 “Early Steps to Reunion”
Key Terms:
Freedmen - A class of nearly 4 million people, former slaves
Freedmen’s Bureau - A government agency to help former slaves, established the first public school system in the south, create colleges, give them food and clothing, medical care,
Reconstruction - The rebuilding of the South
Ten Percent Plan - 1863, gave Southern states the right to form a new government if 10% of its voters swore loyalty to the United States. This government would be required to abolish slavery.
Amnesty - Government pardon
Wade-Davis Bill - 1864, required a majority of white men in each other state to swear loyalty to the Union. It also denied the right to vote or hold office to any people who volunteered in support of the Confederates. Lincoln didn’t pass it because he believed that it was too harsh.
Thirteenth Amendment - Freed all the remaining slaves after emancipation proclamation

Need to know. . .
1. What two problems were faced by the South after the Civil War?
Buildings and houses were torn up everywhere.
⅔ of the railroad tracks had been destroyed.
The financial system was also wrecked.
Taking care of the Freedmen.
- Why were the South’s problems more severe than those in the North?
Because they lost the war, and most of the fighting took place on their turf. Also, the South had very little industry so it was even harder for them to build their infrastructure.
2. List early steps that were taken toward reconstruction.
#1. Lincoln proposed the 10 Percent Plan
#2. Amnesty
#3 Also proposed was the Wade-Davis Bill.
3. What early Reconstruction measures did President Lincoln and Congress agree upon?
Lincoln outlined a “Ten Percent Plan” where southern states could form new governments after 10 percent of its voters swore an oath of loyalty to the United states.
4. Explain how the assassination of President Lincoln and inauguration of a new President led to conflict. Andrew “Andy” Johnson’s new reconstruction plan was much milder than Lincoln’s, which gave unworthy power to the South and outraged Congress.

5. Why did Republicans in Congress oppose President Johnson’s Reconstruction plan?
Because men who had led the South out of the Union were being elected to the House and Senate.

President Lincoln’s Reconstruction Plan
Congressional Republicans Reconstruction Plan
President Andrew Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan
Lincoln developed his plan in 1863, it gave Southern states the right to form a new government if 10% of its voters swore loyalty to the United States. This government would be required to abolish slavery.

Peaceful and Fair. With malice towards none and charity towards all
Wade Davis’ bill was constructed in 1864, it required a majority of white men in each other state to swear loyalty to the Union. It also denied the right to vote or hold office to any people who volunteered in support of the Confederates. Lincoln didn’t pass it because he believed that it was too harsh.

Harsh, strict
Johnson had a very mild plan that only required a majority of men in southern states to swear loyalty to the Unites States, and it had every state abolish slavery. It gave government positions to any Southerner/

Loose, Lenient

Chapter 18, Section 2: RADical Reconstruction
Key Terms: