Health care managers encounter an increasingly complex interrelationship between recruitment and retention of health care professionals, and the quality of care for patients and their satisfaction. In relation to employee actions, the job of recruitment, retention, selection and termination become a core responsibility of HR departments. Although, recruitment can be done both internally and externally, successful recruitment is a key component to finding applicants best suitable for these positions. Once these individuals have been identified, it is important to note viable ways to retain them over a long period of time. For health care employees, the job can be taxing and stressful to say the least so it is up to HR to ensure the market comprehensive benefit packages to keep the employees for which they hire. This is really where compensation and benefits come into play, since costs in the health care industry continue to grow, in due to cost of durable goods, medications, and compliance issues. Developing an equitable compensation program that is competitive with other providers can prove to be a constant challenge. Employee benefits not only draw others in to the organization but they represent a key component that serves as a valuable recruitment or retention