Reflection: Holland Categories

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Pages: 3

According to the Holland categories, my interest code is SIE. SIE stands for social, investigative and enterprising interest and skills. I was not surprised with my results since I believe that one of my strongest skills is my ability to socialize with people around me. One of the things that I enjoy the most is being able to help others and provide support. For me, the skill of sociability has a really strong connection with providing service to others. In the investigative interest, I can personally say that I find extremely interesting learning about new information and developing my critical thinking skills. On the other hand, the enterprising interest is definitely not one of my biggest strengths but something that I really enjoy doing. Currently I am a member of the University Programming Board, and by that being said I often have to plan events and develop new strategies to entertain the Walsh community. Because of this I have developed my initiative and creative enterprising skills.
The first job that came up to me based on my Holland result was: Community Health Worker. A Health worker
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My greatest desire is to become an occupational therapist with a specialty in pediatric practice. I plan on working with little kids, especially kids with syndromes. Most of the skills needed for my career in mind match with this assessment. Both of the jobs require active listening and to be socially perceptive. Also, the importance of providing service to the community and seek for new ways in order to improve health/ development. I think this activity was really helpful because I developed a deeper understanding of my strengths and also of the areas that I need to improve. Because of this, I am planning on developing new strategies to improve in the areas of realistic, conventional and artistic based on my results of the Holland code test in order to become a more well-rounded