However, on February 22, 2018, through the mail I received a statement stating that I owed “$4,546.33” but the online billing statement claimed I owed “$9,707.49” (Document 3). Conversations have been slowly piecing together the confusion of what caused the bill to increase at that rate. The initial conversation started with LSU in February 22, and I received a follow up email on March 22 when the issue was not resolved. I would have contacted LOSFA earlier, but to the best of my knowledge with the information LSU provided me, it was being taken care of on their end, and was potentially a miscommunication. LSU stated that they would “manually bill LOSFA…and I should have my money within 3-4 weeks” (Document 4), this was stated on March 23 by the Financial Aid and Scholarship office at LSU. Finally, on April 16, 2018 I received an Email stating that I had missed the deadline to turn in the Return Out of State form and transcript. Although the Rights and Responsibilities were stated in the hyperlink in Document One, I was unaware to the best of my knowledge the paperwork was not submitted