I am prepared to take on the “ challenge [as] the principal…to assure that faculty are engaged in professional growth and spiritual formation activity that result in improved student learning” (Hunt et al., 2000, p. 158). I will make it a priority to use professional development to support my collegial culture that I will strive for in my school. Glickman, Gordon & Ross-Gordon (2015) states, “Professional development, if properly planned and implemented, can be a powerful force for teacher development and the improvement of teaching and learning” (p. 283). In the book Catholic School Leadership, Michael Boyle describes professional development as “ a valuable and necessary tool” (p. 57), for teacher improvement and for continually helping teachers improve their craft. Just like mentioned in class discussions I believe that “learning is most effective when an individual is ready to learn, that is, when one wants to know something”(Murphy, 2016, Lecture Week 1, Motivation, Slide #