Older players preached about our stern coach, and warned us about our future tears. They told us stories of players quitting because of him, further perpetuating my skeptical fear. Throughout the season, I experienced his tantalizing mind games, embarassing trick questions, depricative ego confrontations, and resistence to pity. Over time, with recurring reminders from teammates complaining, I felt mentally exhausted and ready for the season to be over. The next year, I began to notice his subtle compliments. The combination of mental challenge and ego testing created an environment in which confidence and competitiveness was forced out of my body. By contrasting my coach’s behavior in the classroom and his behavior on the field, I finally realized that it was all an act. Becoming this epitomized jerk earns him a deep respect from his players, creates a survival of the fittest mentality, and forces each soldier to grow not only physically and mentality, but to develop confidence, modesty, leadership, and a competitiveness. Coach Jerk molded my character into the man I am today, and has created my mentality of never settling for less than my