Religion Fair Research Paper

Words: 666
Pages: 3

My experience at the religion fair was great, the ability to be able to talk to many different representatives from different religions was something that was a great opportunity. I learned a lot about the different religions that were available at the religion fair. Also, having other students there that also wanted to learn as much as I did about the other religions was nice. The three religions that I will be talking about is Hinduism, Buddhism and Christian Orthodox. Hinduism began between 200-500 BCE; this religion is most dominant in South Asia. Hinduism is the third largest populated religion after Christianity and Islam. Hinduism is a henothetic and monotheistic religion. Hindus believe in one supreme god who created the universe. This god created many gods to be his helpers. There are four principal Hindu denominations, Saivism, Shaktism, Vaishnavism and Smartism. Hindus believe in reincarnation, which is the belief that after death the soul leaves the physical body, but the soul lives on in a body called the astral body. The astral body is the world we are in during our dreams at night when we are asleep. Hindus believe in karma which is the universal principle of cause and effect. They believe karma is the best teacher …show more content…
The First Seven Ecumenical Councils, were held over a period of several centuries to ratify these doctrines. The Homoousian doctrine defined Jesus as both God and man. The Orthodox Church was founded by Jesus Christ and is described throughout the New Testament. Orthodox Christians fast on Wednesday and Fridays, they fast On Wednesdays in remembrance of the betrayal of Christ and on Fridays in remembrance of His crucifixion and death. What I think about when I learned about Christian Orthodox, is about how it is so much different from regular Christianity. What surprised me is that Christian orthodox is based on the early teachings on