Outline and explain the beliefs and Ethics of Christianity
Christianity can be defined as the religion that is based on the person Jesus of Nazareth and His beliefs and Ethics. Beliefs of Christianity include The Nature of God, The Revelation, Salvation, The Life, Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ, and, the Divinity and Humanity of Christ. Christian ethical teachings include the Ten Commandments, New Testament ethics, the Beatitudes, and Jesus’ commandment of love. Throughout this text each of these beliefs and ethics shall be individually discussed with demonstration on how they are interpreted in variant forms of Christianity which include; the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church and the Church of England.
The Nature of God is one of the most important Christian beliefs as it signifies one God who is the creator of all things. In Christianity, God is expressed in three equal natures known as the Holy Trinity, which includes; The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. Each of which represents the creator, redeemer, and sanctifier respectively. This Holy Trinity can also be known as the ‘triune’ nature of God which means three in one. Evidence that Christian’s belief in one God can be demonstrated in the Nicene Creed when we say “We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty” Examples of the Holy Trinity can also be seen in the Nicene creed when we say “We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ...” and “We believe in the Holy Spirit”. The Nicene Creed is said in the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, and the Church of England. Its belief and interpretation within these three religions are all similar and functions to show there is only one true God.
The Revelation is also another Christian belief which is common amongst the three religions being discussed. Christians believe God revealed himself to humanity to offer unconditional loving relationships to all so that they can be called to live according to his will. God revealed himself in many which are similarly interpreted in the Catholic, Orthodox and English Churches. These forms include; creation, the teachings and writings of the prophets, the Holy Spirit, and most fully in the person of Jesus Christ.
Through Jesus Christ God freely offers the Christian belief of Salvation. We as Christians are all created in the likeness and image of God with the infinite potential for good. We as Christians have our own free will to choose good, or to turn away and choose to sin. God freely offers salvation to all who accept Jesus Christ as the saviour. During the 16th Century the Protestant and Catholic churches affirmed that this saying grace of God is not merited but proceeds solely from the love and mercy of God.
The Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ is another Christian belief which demonstrates that Jesus suffered the pain and humiliation of his trial and crucifixion as redemption for the sins of all people. This belief is consistent amongst all of the three religions being discussed and shows Jesus rose from the death, ascended into heaven, and sealed his promise to eternal life with God.
The Divinity and Humanity of Christ implies that Jesus was at once fully human, fully divine, equal in nature and without sin. The Catholic Church, Church of England and Orthodox Church all clearly display this belief as they all emphasise the complete humanity that brought the suffering of Christ’s crucifixion to reality and the divinity that brought about the glory of his resurrection.
The Ten Commandments contained in the Old Testament can be seen as a source of ethical guidance for Christians. These commandments are a succinct summary of Christian ethics that emphasise the value on human life and the need to respect personal integrity and family. The Ten