Remote Area Medical Case Study

Words: 752
Pages: 4

Remote Area Medical, founded in 1985 by Stan Brock of Lancashire, England, is a nonprofit volunteer run organization based in Knoxville, Tennessee. Accordingly, the aforementioned organization is dependent on volunteers of the medical profession and donations from outside supporters, as it does not receive any state or federal funding. Moreover, the interprofessional team of volunteers includes medical doctors, registered nurses, optometrists, dentists, veterinarians, and pilots to assist in providing airborne relief in areas that are unreachable by other means of transportation. Originally, this organization focused their efforts on providing free medical care to underserved communities in third world countries, but has since expanded their services to rural regions of low per capita income in the United States in 1992 (“What is Remote Area Medical?”, 2011).
In effect, RAM provides a multitude of medical services including; dental cleaning, fillings, and extractions, vision screenings, primary prevention screenings for breast cancer,
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Because of the current law, many prospective professionals are inevitably deterred from providing services to areas of need in their neighboring states. According to the founder, Stan Brock, “It’s a major impediment to us when we’ve got states that do not allow it” (Collins, 2017). Fortunately, Rep. Jimmy Duncan of Tennessee’s 2nd district is working with Brock to catalyze an amendment of current laws within congress to help realize the mission of RAM. Specifically, Duncan is actively working to file a bill, the Healthier Care Act, that allocates $1 million dollars to states that permit physicians to work elsewhere on the weekends. Essentially, the money given is intended to cover any liability costs for the participating