However, this procedure is successful in allowing vaginal birth in only 50% of cases.
Fetal Distress
Fetal monitoring before and during labor may disclose fetal problems that otherwise would not be evident, as a result of continuous fetal monitoring, the number of cesarean sections performed for the indication of fetal distress or fetal jeopardy has increased. Best estimates demonstrate that approximately 10% of cesarean sections are performed because of fetal distress.
Other indications in addition to the indications above are, placenta previa, preeclampsia–eclampsia if remote from term, multiple gestations, fetal abnormalities (eg, hydrocephalus), cervical cancer, and active herpes infection. One other indication that is becoming more prevalent is patient choice.
Cesarean section is contraindicated in circumstances in which the fetus is dead ( except in; extreme degree of pelvic contraction, neglected shoulder severe accidental hemorrhage), Disseminated intravascular coagulation as those patients are at risk of excessive blood loss, and also a pregnant women with extensive scar or pyogenic infection in the abdominal wall e.g. in