To begin with, Mercutio is depicted to be the exact opposite of Romeo in terms of how each of them approaches love. Evidently,in Act 1 Scene 4 Mercutio's witty wordplay projects on his vision of love as a course of female preying,which comes at odds with Romeo's idealistic image of love. Mercutio jests that in case love gets rough towards you,you have to get rough back at her to the …show more content…
Similarly,in Act 2 Scene 5 the Nurse describes the upcoming sexual delights of the wedding night by quipping that Juliet will soon enough be entitled to play her wife role actively all night long (lines68-69) .Thus she makes another witty comment regarding Juliet's gradual transformation from a youth into a woman.
The Nurse is oblivious to the vulnerable nature that love aholds and follows blindly the sexual arouse that she offers.Moreover Shakespeare depicts the Nurse to be blind to the eternal love Romeo and Juliet profoundly share and inevitably comes at odds with the purity and innocence of love.
To conclude,Mercutio and the Nurse function as the personification of the comic element in the play.Shakespeare makes use of these two 'witty' characters to deliberately create the exact opposing view agianst an eternal and pure love.By doing so Romeo and Juliet automatically are being elevated by the veil of a love vulnarble and unique against the rest of the