Reprimand Rebuttal Research Paper

Words: 720
Pages: 3

Letter of Reprimand Rebuttal

I’d like to start off this rebuttal by admitting my wrongdoing and taking full accountability for my actions. I let myself be antagonized by a student instead of calling on an admin to aid me in the situation after being previously recommended to handle bad classroom behavior on my own in a meeting. While this was said to me to ensure I take a more aggressive approach in my classroom management, I still should’ve done the right thing and let admin handle it. While I did touch Leenecia’s hand, gently grab it and pull her up, I did not pull her jacket sleeve or handle her aggressively. She complied with my actions and I then gently guided her out of the room with my hands on her shoulders. The student was not physically harmed, no jacket sleeve was pulled and she complied with me the
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She did not fight back physically, only called me a “fat ass” repeatedly.

The incident started when my class was moved to another room during testing. After being told the day before that students are to sit in desks and desk chairs at all times, I told Leenecia (who was sitting in a SEL chair) to move to a desk. She replied “when I feel like it”. I did not immediately respond, but a student egged the situation on by asking “why can’t you just do it Leenecia?” which spurred Leenecia into further comment. I then said “well Leenecia can you just do it now so we can start class?” to which she replied “yeah when I feel like it”. This exchange went on with her continuing to refuse to move and me calmly asking her why she couldn’t just move. Eventually it escalated to her saying “make me, make me, if you want me to move so bad make me” to which I calmly replied “okay” and walked over to her. During this time, her fellow students told her “she was doing too much” and “why are you doing all that?” but the situation continued. She was still sitting and had her left hand out on