In the 21st Century classroom, students find, navigate through, and evaluate large amounts of information. Instructors provide guided and independent research opportunities for students to make informed decisions and create products.
Entry Developing Approaching Ideal/Target
▪ provides text*/print/digital resources for research and information acquisition. ▪ directs student use of text/print/digital resources.
*As defined by the National Board Standards Instructor:
▪ models search techniques and critical analysis of various media and information sources.
▪ provides controlled opportunities for student search and analysis of media and information sources. Instructor:
▪ develops and implements strategies to guide student investigation.
▪ supports students as they acquire, evaluate, and ethically use information. Instructor:
▪ develops, cooperatively facilitates*, and assesses a learning environment where students do the following:
* selects appropriate digital tools to research * applies varied research skills to find and evaluate resources. * uses information ethically.
▪ locate and acquire information based on teacher provided questions/prompts.
▪ use preselected digital tools to research assemble, evaluate, and utilize information following guidelines set by the instructor.
▪ evaluate credible resources through instructor guided practice.
▪ ethically use and critique information and resources through instructor guided practice. Students:
▪ select questions to guide research from pre-approved topics.
▪ select appropriate digital tools to research assemble, evaluate, and utilize information following guidelines set by the instructor.
▪ apply research skills to find and evaluate credible resources with instructor guidance prevalent through process.
▪ ethically use and critique information and resources to accomplish authentic tasks with instructor guidance prevalent. Students:
▪ develop questions to guide research with minimal support
▪ manage appropriate digital tools to research assemble, evaluate, and utilize information with minimal instructor guidance.
▪ apply varied research skills to find and