Research Paper On African American Civil Rights Movement

Words: 535
Pages: 3

Lets Stay Civil

Frustration. Suffering. Misery. African Americans felt all of these things for almost all of history. But one day, they rose up and said, “No more!” African American rights were first implemented after the civil war. They created a, “Separate but equal,” system. People who thought that was true weren’t an African American. African American people have been taken advantage of for almost all of history. The Civil Rights Movement has accomplished so many important laws, beliefs, and freedom for all.

There is a lot to learn about the Civil Rights Movement, but what happened before the movement is important too. First, after the civil war the Jim Crow laws were implemented into our society, and they created “Separate but equal” system (“African American Civil Rights Movement (1954-68)”). This was false advertising because the black people got stuck with worse educations then some of them should have got, and it was all because of their skin color. And mainly got the worst buildings, possessions, and everything else you can think of. However, The thirteenth through fifteenth amendments gave African Americans more freedom than ever before (“Civil Rights Movement”). says,”The most important achievements of African American Civil Rights
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Most people think it started with Rosa Parks. Those people have the right mind set but wrong person and date. It actually started nine months before Rosa Parks, on December first, 1955 (African American Civil Rights Movement(1954-68)). It started with a little girl named Claudette Colvin. On the bus ride home from school, she refused to give her seat to a young white male (African American Civil Rights Movement(1954-68)). African Americans have always been in a lower or the lowest social class (The Civil Rights Movement). Her actions and many others sparked a flame in the Civil Rights Movement. America will never be the same