Research Paper On Amazon Rainforestation

Words: 533
Pages: 3

Amazon Rainforest Deforestation

The Amazon Rainforest, a major rainforest on our planet, is disappearing at an awfully fast rate. The size of 2,000 football pitches is lost during a 90 minute football match, which means more than 5300 square meters a minute. This can’t keep going. Deforestation is destroying the earth’s environment and the lives living on it.

The Amazon is one of the most important rainforest on our planet. It contains over half of the planet’s remaining rainforest, and is the greatest tropical rainforest in the world, covering 40% of South America. It is the world’s major unit for converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. Around 20% of all our oxygen comes from the Amazon Rainforest. That is why it is called the lungs of the world. Amazon is the largest collection of living plants and animal species. 1 in 10 known species on earth live in the Amazon. To this day, around 40,000 plant species, 2,200 fish species, 1300 bird species, 430 mammal species, 430 amphibian species, 400 reptile species, and 438,000 plant species have been scientifically classified in the region, and there are still many more to be discovered.

If we don’t save the Amazon, most of these lives will soon be gone.
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When species lost their homes in the deep forest, they often cannot stay alive in the pieces of forest left behind. They become easier to hunt and trap and kill. There are less and less of them, and some soon goes extinct. People are also affected. Millions of people depend on forests for their lives. They hunt, gather and make medicine, and small size agriculture. But deforestation had made these people suffer. Poor people have been persuaded or tricked to leave their homes and go to far away soy plantations. Sometimes they are abused and forced with guns to their heads to work under cruel