Research Paper On Ancient Ithaca

Words: 373
Pages: 2

Ithaca is Odysseus homeland. This is where his home was. This is where his family was. This is what he fought for so many years ago. The question on everyone's mind is; is Ithaca real or is this just made up? Does it really exist or does it just exist in Homer's mind? These questions have been asked many times but all we have is theories. No one knows the truth. A point that has been brought to my attention is one of Robert Brittlestones. He argues that modern Paliki was once ancient Ithaca. James Diggles, a professor of Greek and Latin at Cambridge University says, ¨of this I haven't the slightest doubt. It's irresistible and supported by geology. The other part is more speculative. But once you go over the terrain there is