Research Paper On Beowulf

Words: 397
Pages: 2

Have you ever seen a strong, wise, and brave man who could beat anyone with an army of fourteen soldiers? Beowulf was the greatest hero of his era; He was a wise man who was also very confident Beowulf was a very determined man who was sent to Denmark to kill their beast. Beowulf’s legend has many different versions. Throughout this essay, I will discuss the difference between the tearing and ripping Grendel’s arm, the offering of the king’s wife, and the dealings with Grendel’s mother. Beowulf was sent to Denmark to kill the king’s son Grendel. Grendel was a large monster who could not be tamed. In the textbook version, Beowulf grabbed Grendel’s claw with great force and would not let go. Beowulf rips Grendel’s arm from its socket whereas in the movie Beowulf Shuts Grendel’s arm in the door until it break off. …show more content…
Grendel was the son of the king. After his death the king took his own life. The king’s wife felt betrayed because of the kings dealing with Grendel’s mom. The king offered his wife to Beowulf in the movie before taking his own life. The king felt as if his reign was over. Beowulf was a great leader but he still fell in to temptation. In the movie the king instructed Beowulf to not only kill Grendel, but also his mother, the king knew that Grendel’s would try to seduce the Beowulf. In the movie, Beowulf fell for her trap and had sex with her. She became pregnant and gave birth to his son who was a dragon in the textbook, Beowulf killed Grendel’s