Research Paper On Domestic Violence

Words: 1519
Pages: 7

Stop violence
What is domestic violence? Domestic violence is defined as violent behavior or actions such as threats in a relationship married or dating. Domestic violence is a serious crime in North America,that should be stopped.Common abusers may be men ,but women abuse too,many women abuse their daughters,and husbands.Domestic violence happens in the family ,in relationships,in the elderly,and more,Domestic violence is the cause of many psychological problems today,and it needs to end.
Domestic violence involves a structure of abusive behavior in a relationship including sibling abuse, elder abuse, spouse abuse, and child abuse that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power or control over another partner.Domestic
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Hitting such as fighting with a person as wrestling ,play fighting isn't wrestling ,wrestling can be extremely violent. Other violent acts may be throwing things at a partner like throwing a lamp, slapping,grabbing ,pinching ,biting ,hair pulling, can be categories also. Physical abuse is the most commonly noticed ;because of the pain ,and the marks.(Neufville,Domestic violence).

What is sexual abuse? Sexual abuse is the act of forcing the act of any of sexual contact or behavior without partner ;saying it is okay to do so.Coercing a partner in a place of the body that a partner isn't okay with is also a form of abuse.It doesn't stop with rape or attacks on sexual parts of the body.Sexual abuse is very common with females ;because males feels they can over power them. Women are sexual offenders also ,but the victims are usually younger.(Neufville,Domestic violence).

What is Emotional abuse? Emotional abuse is the undermining an individual someone's sense of worth and self- esteem.Emotional abuse can be name calling, diminishing one's talents, and abilities ,hurting an relationship with a child that they may have together.Emotional abuse is one the hardest to noticed;because it is not physical the pain can be just in someones head. Emotional abuse is the one cause that ruin a person in whole ;make them feel like they aren't themselves anymore.(Neufville,Domestic
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What is psychological abuse? Psychological abuse can be simplified as one word threats.The causing of fear by intimidation is threatening physical harm to self or partner ,maybe even children destruction of property and pets is this violence.One may do these things just out of jealous ,they may harass one through the internet,or send unwanted items.The worst can be denying a partner hospital care,or forcing drugs upon a partner.This abuse is the hardest to notice ;sometimes threats may not be acted on,or partner may not notice right way.
Domestic violence can not be defined by the onset of the relationship.Domestic violence doesn't have to happen to married couples it can happen to boyfriend or girlfriends in the early middle or end of an relationship. A partner may say he/she is worth less at one point ,and amazing at another ,but it is still abuse. In a spouse relationship they may force you to wear clothing ,or force a partner to have sex ,forbid partner to decide for themself.Countless times in the news we have heard of men/women escape attempts,and protests(World of