Research Paper On Isaiah 6

Words: 765
Pages: 4

My Exegesis is on Isaiah 6. Isaiah 6 has a lot of imagery and religious depth that blends the calling of God in the believers’ souls in the first eight verses. In the last five verses accounts Isaiah’s assertion of anguish for his homeland in the eight century, with specific warnings of God’s intent to eliminate the spiritual awareness of His people. This deadening of spiritual understanding becomes serious to first century Christians and Jews as the presence of Christ and His testimony formed the New Covenant of the Lord, God with believers. This chapter warns Judah about the coming despair and records God’s promotion of stubbornness, which highlights the relationship between the understanding and redemption in the salvation development.
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Within these chapters it tells a story of God’s communication with His people who were being disobedient. The Book of Isaiah shows Israel’s refusal to notice God’s will because of their rebellion and self-will to establish some type of government on their own terms. Isaiah 6:1-13 is told in first-person as a narrative monologue. Within this chapter, Isaiah claims divine authority he declares the condition of spiritual anguish that will come against the land. Isaiah 6:1-4 talks about Isaiah’s vision of God and claims to present specific words from God stemming from a face-to-face encounter. Isaiah experiences a sense of unworthiness in 6:5-7 and recipient of God’s commission in 6:8-13. After reading the first five chapters of Isaiah you could consider chapter 6 of Isaiah as the beginning of a fresh set of prophecies separate from Isaiah’s chapters 1-5, but joining the next set of prophecies, Isaiah’s call to minister to Israel becomes elevated and critical to the development of the