Research Paper On Jesus The Nazareth

Words: 482
Pages: 2

The Jesus the Nazareth was puzzling for different kinds of people group in the world from half of 18th C to now. Because they need to know him in a scientific way, isn’t in biblical approach, therefore, secular scholar also theological scholar raised questions about who Jesus is. How we study for him? Which source is accurate? These subjects are basic & causal matter concerning to study historical Jesus.
So who is historical Jesus? The researcher, give details about him, they denied his miracle birth, they said he was John the Baptist student and his follower, he is a peasant, cynic, politician also his teaching, preaching and miracles related to liberation of politics, even they denied the resurrection from the death and didn’t believe about the empty tomb, they didn’t accept the accuracy of gospels source. The Apostles and early church believers had no question about his life, teaching, miracles, death and resurrection even for the historical Jesus
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Around two, millennium he walked in the sandy Palestinian street. From 18th C- Now people asking who is Jesus? Mark answered he was the son of man, he servant king, he has relationship with poor people, he is Lord, the Messiah of God, he is forgiven sin (God) healer, teacher, Savior, suffered, died for sinners & resurrected from