Research Paper On Sdlc Process

Submitted By MightyRayne
Words: 408
Pages: 2

Step-by-Step Details to Ensure
Software Development Success.


Defining SDLC

Making the correct choice of SDLC

SDLC utilization

SDLC recommendations

What is software developing life cycle?

Based on organization requirements

SDLC Steps

Break down of SDLC steps

Defining SDLC

A software development life cycle, also known as a software development process, is a methodology used for the development of a software product.
There are several methodologies for such processes, each method accomplishes software development by using different tasks or activities that take place during the software development process.

Waterfall Methodology

Methodology Stages
 Requirements
 System

 Implementation of design
 Testing/ verification  Rollout/ maintenance When to use waterfall

When to used the Waterfall Methodology
Well defined requirements
 Stability of production definition
 Technology is understood
 Upgraded version of an existing software
 Porting existing software to a new platform

V-Model Methodology

A modification of the
Waterfall that verifies and validates the software.
Product testing is done in parallel at each phase of development V-Model Methodology Stages
 Specify requirements
 Acceptance test
 Outline design
 System Test
 Detail design
 Integration Test
 Code and Unit Test

When to use the V modelMethodology

Appropriate for systems requiring superior reliability
Software requirement are identified upfront
When software modification can adapt to changing requirements past the analysis phase When solution and technology are identified Rapid Application Model (RAD)

RAD Methodology
 Business Model requirements  Methodology

Data Model, user description  people

Process Model
 management
 Prototypes until


Code Generation
 CASE Tools


When to use the RAD Methodology

Requirement can be identified
End user involvement through the life cycle Software functionality released in increments System can be